Board Recruitment
Thank you for your interest in joining the New View Alliance Board of Trustees! This is an exciting time for us, and a great opportunity for you to help guide the services we provide to over 10,000 children and families throughout Western New York each year.
Dedicated, knowledgeable board members with a diverse range of skills and cultural experience are vital to fulfilling our mission of leading social change through advocacy, collaboration and service to children and families. And now more than ever, we need people at the highest level of agency leadership who can help prioritize, support, and invest in diversity, inclusion, and equity.
New View Alliance and its affiliated agencies are committed to championing the principles of antiracism, justice, and equity. We welcome Board Members from diverse cultures and backgrounds, for all positions, who will uphold our values and contribute to our mission. We aim to have a Board that is reflective of the communities we serve.
Whether it is sharing in efforts to help a child remain at home with their family, placing a child in a loving and stable home, or allowing youth to focus on healing in a residential setting, the rewards are genuine and meaningful.
Who We Are
New View Alliance was created in 2020, to serve as the parent company of two affiliated agencies, Gateway-Longview, Inc., and New Directions Youth & Family Services, Inc. - two agencies with very long histories of service in Western New York. New View Alliance provides both agencies with strategic planning, advocacy and shared administrative support for finance, human resources, information technology and corporate integrity. Together these agencies now have a combined budget of over $50 million, 850 employees, 42 programs and offices in all eight counties of Western New York!
Last year over 10,000 children and families received services including residential care, foster care, therapeutic pre-school, special education, care coordination, community-based services, school-based clinical services and behavioral health clinics.
The New View Alliance Board
The New View Alliance board was created by combining the existing boards of Gateway-Longview and New Directions during the affiliation process, and currently has 17 members. Using the strategy of “mirror boards”, the NVA board now also serves as the board for both affiliated agencies. To maximize efficiency, a single board meeting, held every other month, covers the board’s responsibilities for all three organizations (New View Alliance, Gateway-Longview and New Directions).
These board meetings are 1.5 hours in length and typically include participation by representatives of our staff and the families receiving services. The board has four committees which also meet every other month, including Governance, Finance, Compensation and Compliance. Committee meetings are typically 1 hour in length.
Board Vision
In addition to providing effective, meaningful guidance on the operation of a large organization, a vital part of the board’s mission is to lead social change through advocacy and collaboration, and to share power and decision making with the communities that we serve.
Our goal as a board is to find and recruit people with the expertise, perspectives, and personal network needed to help us achieve these objectives, while providing a meaningful and personally rewarding experience for each board member. In this search, we recognize the value of having members with a diversity of life experiences that will bring new insights and thinking to our discussions and decision-making process. We want to have a Board that is reflective of the communities we serve.
Orientation for new board members is a thorough process overseen by the Governance Committee. All potential candidates are presented to the Governance Committee Board Chair, who conducts a preliminary interview with the candidate. If appropriate, the candidate is interviewed by the entire Governance Committee who further assesses the qualifications and commitment of the candidate.
If deemed qualified, the committee nominates the candidate to the full Board of Directors. In consultation with the Board Chair, new members are assigned to a committee that best aligns with their area of professional/personal expertise and personal interests. The committees include the following:
● Governance
● Audit and Compliance
● Finance
● Compensation
Board of Directors

*James Coder
CEO New View Alliance | CEO, New Directions Youth and Family Services
Michael Ervin, Vice Chair
Director, Freed Maxick CPAs, P.C.
Peter Casilio
PAT Construction Management Corp.
Roy Cunningham
Karen Lazik
Associate Vice President, Human Services
People Inc.
*Carolyne DeFranco
President, New View Alliance | President & CEO, Gateway Longview
John A. Camardo, III, Secretary
Executive Pastor, The Chapel at CrossPoint
Tracy Meyer
Retired, Community Volunteer
Liz Kahn
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
People Inc.
Anthony Montagna, Chair
Vice President, Network Contract Mgmt.
Independent Health
Edward Arcara, Treasurer
Kevin Clark
Retired, Former Teacher at Lockport City Schools
Nancy Kasprzak-Whitmore
Retired, Former Credit Union President/CEO
Niagara County Federal Credit Union